:: Masuk ::

Silakan login dengan menggunakan email yang sudah didaftarkan di SENS 8 2023. PIN sudah dikirim ke email anda ketika pendaftaran sukses.

:: Reset PIN ::

Jika menemukan masalah dengan PIN, Pastikan Anda sudah memeriksa Email Anda. JIka Pin tidak terkirim ke email anda, Silahkan kirim ulang melalui form dibawah ini.

:: Prosedur Pendaftaran ::

  1. User fill in the registration form and click the submit button
  2. Automail will be sent to the user (normally it should arrive within 3 hours), then user has to open activation link sent in the email
  3. User has to wait until the registration is manually approved by admin (human)
  4. When it is approved, login password will be sent by automail to user
  5. User can login and submit abstract, full paper, etc

:: Announcement ::

If you don't find PIN in your email, Please check in the spam box.